I have had the privilege to meet Jamie as she and I share an interest in severe weather and storm chasing. Not only has she been a nurse for sixteen years, she has also recently done some work founding a small local organization called Hope Echo which takes donations from local businesses and individuals to create bags with goods in them to distribute post-tornado or post-weather tragedy to victims of severe weather. That is a clear indication of her spirit and heart – Jamie is a wonderful person with so much love to give those she cares about.
She was someone who definitely deserved a day to spend time on herself – to reconnect with the woman inside and to feel beautiful! Here’s more on Jamie’s experience in her own words:
“My history: I am a very blessed woman with 2 boys 11 and 13. Being a mom has given me such happiness and joy. I’ve been a nurse for 16 years and I absolutely love it. I can honestly say, that this is the happiest I have ever been in my life.In my spare time, I enjoy gardening and futzing around my home in Hartford. I enjoy walking my dog, pulling weeds, gardening, and doing my lawn work. I also lover watching the weather, and running out after storms to take pictures of. Last year was my first trip storm chasing, and I also went this year. I’ve enjoyed getting to know the chaser community and learning all I can.Why I wanted to do the shoot: I have only a few pictures of myself from over the last 5 years. I had watched one of Jennifer’s videos about women who don’t have photos of themselves because of a negative body image, and it hit straight home. For the last 5 years or so, I haven’t felt or looked my best. These last 5 years have been tough, divorce, moving, struggles with my kids. I didn’t want those reasons to be why I didn’t have pictures of myself.Having the pictures, has given me a different perspective of myself over the last 5 years…my body may be different than it was 5 years ago…but my same smile remains. Also, the body I see has given me so much. My children. It has served me well through all my trials, and changes in my life and I am proud of it.Hair & Makeup, Styling & Wardrobe: I so enjoyed Theresa doing my makeup and hair. She has a bubbly personality, and enjoys getting to know who you are prior to the shoot. She is very professional and fun to work with. I’ve never had anyone do my makeup before, so it was fun to see how someone else would do it. I also loved picking out some outfits that Jennifer has in her studio to wear! It was fun, and her ideas and thoughts about what to wear and not were also welcomed. She definitely has an eye for detail, lighting, posing, smiles, laughs.The shoot: Photography is definitely an art for Jennifer. She is very professional and fun to work with! During the shoot I felt relaxed and it was really easy. I’m not used to pictures of me being taken like that, but I was excited to see what would come of it all. We took many pictures in different outfits, poses and backgrounds. The studio was nice and cool, and she did everything for it to be a comfortable environment.The Reveal: Was awesome. I really enjoyed the video and music. The wall of pictures of myself was really cool. There were so many wonderful pictures to choose from. She definitely captured my personality in the photos in the different poses and facial expressions. I was able to choose between elegant photos, casual and head shots. It was so much fun deciding which to keep, I really could have taken them all!Overall: What a wonderful experience. From everything to the studio, atmosphere, the shoot, the reveal and her own philosophy of women and how we should see ourselves. She helped me to see the value in who I “still” am. I love seeing her photos of other women and to hear their stories as well. One of the best things I feel we as women can do, is empower one another. That is just what she was able to do! Thank you!” ~Jamie