July 8, 2019

Pet Photographer Milwaukee – Bruno with Mai Der and Josh


Mai Der is one of my favorite clients! She came in for branding portraits with the co-owners of the CAM Collective strategic image design and career navigation firm several months ago. She most recently came to the studio with her husband and their amazing dog Bruno for some contemporary family portraits. We had a really great time in the studio and it was so much fun making images of Bruno. We decided to do a little something special for this shoot because Bruno’s 10th birthday was just a few days before the photo shoot. So, what better to do than give him a 10th birthday cake and photograph him enjoying it? Funnily enough, I intended for it to be a cake smash but Bruno was too much of a proper gentleman to make a big mess. What a cutie.

Now I”d like to let Mai Der share a bit about the experience in her own words:

“Our lives were changed ten years ago when we brought Bruno home at 9 weeks old. Josh wanted to get a dog and had to do a lot of convincing to get me to give in. I never had pets growing up and was actually afraid of dogs, especially big dogs! After doing a lot of research, I gave in and had a long list of rules: he can’t be on the furniture, he can’t sleep with us, Josh has to be the one to take care of him, etc., etc. Bruno stole my heart immediately! I’ll never forget the way Bruno rested his little head on the console and stared at me the entire 4 hour drive home. Needless to say, none of the rules I put in place were ever followed when we actually brought him home. He has been the best thing to ever happen to us! He turned ten this year and we wanted to capture his personality and how much he makes us a family.
I’ve been admiring Jennifer’s work for so long and knew the moment I saw her pet pictures that we had to get our photos taken with her. We had an amazing experience. She really thinks about all the details! Whitney, the handler who worked with Bruno for the photos, was absolutely wonderful. Bruno took to her right away and I could tell she just totally got him. Bruno has had both his ACLs done and Whitney was very mindful of that as we were posing for photos, which shows how much she cares about the animals she works with. Katrina, the makeup artist was exceptional. She did a fantastic job and was mindful of my preferences. Overall, the entire experience was wonderful! It was fun shoot, we had a great time working with everyone. We couldn’t be happier with the end results. Thank you Jennifer and team!” ~Mai Der


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