October 14, 2019

Professional Headshots in Milwaukee – Kimberlee



Kimberlee is a local Florist / business owner / entrepreneur who approached me for professional headshots a few weeks ago when I had a last minute opening in the schedule. I’m so glad she did! I love her colorful style and her quirky personality, and her incredible smile. We had a blast and here’s a bit from her on the portrait experience!


“I’m Kimberlee, a busy mom of two bright handfuls, small business owner, floral artist, and community activist.  2018-2019 have been watershed years in my life–I discovered some great friends, fell in love, and had the fantastic opportunity to purchase the company I worked for–Locker’s Florist. (Big kudos to those who helped make that happen, the staff at WWBIC, my dear sweet mom, and all my friends to listened to me as I agonized over it)  I’ve been a floral designer for over 25 years, but learning the art of entrepreneurship is a new adventure.

As the first anniversary of being at the helm is approaching, and the sudden spot opened up with Jenn, I thought having professional pictures for both business and personal use would be a great way to celebrate and mark this moment in a meaningful and tangible way.

As a West Allis resident and business owner, I’m always looking to support other organizations, entrepreneurs, and artists in the community–I’ve been following Jennifer’s work for years–it just so happens that her studio is located close by, too! Serendipity!  I’d look at the beautiful portraits in awe, and wonder what kind of magic she might be able to work with a curvy, creative professional such as myself.

The magic it turns out, like all recipes, is a mix of ingredients: part the hand of Theresa providing photo worthy but not overdone make up, part the ease Jenn puts clients at (both in nervous emails as well as in person) so they can relax in front of a camera, and of course the guidance of the artist’s eye.

Looking at the final set of images was a bit surreal–I never thought I’d have so much trouble picking a favorite, or even how certain images I didn’t think I’d love at the time we took them became must haves.

When reviewing the images the night after my reveal, my 7 year old daughter looked over my shoulder at a picture and exclaimed “Mom, you look so pretty!”--that’s the best endorsement, ever. “ ~Kimberlee



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