Rae Anne is one of the winners of the annual Women’s Day Giveaway! She was nominated by Brittany who I’ve photographed twice over the last few years. I’m so grateful that Brittany nominated Rae Anne. It was so wonderful to meet her and get to know her – and to really create some images that she felt expressed parts of who she is. We had a wonderful shoot and I’m so excited to share these with you all today.
Here is a bit from Rae Anne on her experience in the portrait studio:
“Like many women I know, I don’t think of myself as special or outstanding. On the contrary, I often feel like I spend every minute of my day trying to prove my worth in this world. So, when I was nominated and then selected for the International Women’s Day photoshoot, I was floored. Me? Really!? It felt so good to even be thought of as a candidate, let alone be selected by a badass woman I have come to admire (that’s you, Jenn!).
In my younger life, I really bought into societal beauty standards and believed I was not valuable unless I was objectified. I dressed the part and felt miserable on the inside. As I grew into myself and recognized the way I was allowing the world to control me, I pushed back hard on self-objectification. I began to loathe when a partner would give me compliments about my body or my beauty. I rejected the “sexy” side of myself. I focused on developing my strength, intelligence, compassion, and courage. This photo session brought all those parts of me back together.
In these portraits, I see the brave and stoic Veteran who served in Iraq. I see the fierce woman who survived many hardships in this life. I see the soft and gentle nurturer who pours her heart and soul into trying to make this world a better place. I see sexy. I see strong. I see powerful.
From the moment I met Jenn for the consultation through the final minutes of my shoot, she worked to understand the woman behind all the titles and roles. These photos are testament that she really sees me. And for the first time in a long time, I see myself. ” ~Rae Anne