“I’ve been following Jennifer’s work since a friend did a portrait session with her a couple of years ago. I initially booked a session in March 2020, but the universe had other plans. Fast forward a year-and-a-half (and what feels like a lifetime) later, and we were finally able to meet.
The portrait experience felt like a celebration, from start to finish. Jennifer’s excitement is infectious – in the best way! Selecting my wardrobe from her vast collection felt like being a kid in a candy store – and her keen eye was helpful when making final decisions. I was thrilled with the colors, textures, and styles that we chose.Photo day was a blast! I arrived feeling bland and bleary-eyed, but hair and make-up by Katrina resulted in a glamorous transformation.
During our session, Jennifer gently and patiently encouraged me to explore different sides of myself in front of her lens. I appreciated her enthusiasm for capturing just the right moment, and for ensuring that the experience was relaxed and fun. It was just the lift I needed!
I arrived at reveal day feeling nervous and a bit vulnerable. I teared-up up when I saw my portraits displayed on the photo wall.
To me, they are much more than pretty pictures (and they are so pretty!) – they are a showcase of my best 47-year-old self. They’re the tangible result of an expression of self-care and self-appreciation, that I rarely allow myself to indulge in. I am grateful for the experience, and for the beautiful images that I will always treasure.” ~Selmin