“One of my best friends had some photos taken by Jennifer and they were stunning. She told me it changed the way she viewed herself entirely. She said, ” You should do this. ” So, I made the appointment…
It was a big leap for me because I am shy and generally have a strong dislike for photos of myself and putting my looks on display. I am a single mom of two girls ages 12 and 15, a nurse practitioner, and a proponent of aging as gracefully and fearlessly as I can. I have rheumatoid arthritis which is always a daily challenge-and am committed to my kids and my work and staying as healthy and positive as I can.I sent a makeup-free, half gray hair selfie to Jennifer as an introduction and she could not have had a more kind and complimentary response. I realized this was something I really needed to do, and that I could trust her to capture the real me in a photograph that would live on in time.My goals for being photographed were to have a legacy for my daughters to see their mom (hopefully!) as a beautiful vibrant woman at age 53 and not just someone schlepping them to a tennis lesson or making dinner in my sweatpants. I wanted them to have something tangible to view their mom as she is and was, loving life, at her strongest and best. I also wanted to see how I could appear in a professional photo that might be able to capture the real me.From the minute I walked in the door for the first meeting I felt supported and comfortable.Jennifer is an alchemist, psychologist and artist rolled into one.I was a bit nervous about the makeup since I generally have a minimalist, simple approach but Emily was so great and knew exactly what would work. Her artistry and energy were amazing.The photo shoot was a very unique and fun experience, and the time just flew by. I am so not used to have a focus on me as the subject, but I sank into the full experience. I felt that the wardrobe selection was perfect, and the best part was that I could mix and match some of my personal items with Jennifer’s awesome collection to create a unique look for my photos.The reveal was better than I could have ever expected. I was shocked and amazed how the photos caught my true self and expressions.There was nothing contrived in this experience. My real, authentic, energy and spirit leaped out of these photos and that was my goal for now and for the future.One day my great-granddaughter or grandson may look at these photos and see me come to life again-and tell their mom or dad that I look beautiful and strong.Maybe she or he will see glimpses of him or herself in my face…
I recommend this experience to every woman, at any age looking to see her true self. Jennifer’s art and vision will take you there.” ~Angela