“What a privilege to be photographed by Jennifer once, let alone twice. But the fact is she’s the best. And, as my husband reminded me, second babies should get all the same special things as the first. This is a transformative time that should be marked.
I had an incredible experience the first go around. The pictures were epic and given the fact we were in the heart of COVID, having the full glam experience was a real treat. This time I wanted it to be less about the clothes. I wanted to honor my body for what is likely my final pregnancy journey.
Jennifer and I made a plan to use light and a variety of fabrics to artfully capture my body in its purest form. Photo shoot day, while I was on full display, I saw Jennifer’s skill and expertise on full display. The slightest lighting change here. The tiniest fabric adjustment there. Although I couldn’t see the photos, I felt our plan come to life.
On reveal day, I stood before the photo wall seeing me. Just me. The fresh face of a couple years ago had given way to the face of someone who has seen some things. A little older, a little wiser… That wisdom is reflected in a knowingness and a confidence I couldn’t have had two years ago. The photos were art. Plain and simple. Some look as if they were painted in another time. The photos we are able to share today are a fraction of the images. They are lovely, and the ones you can hang on your living room wall or that my children won’t be embarrassed to see. They are me too. But the real gift are the photos that mark this time and will be seen by so few.
Thank you to Jennifer and Katrina for making the magic happen again!” ~Kelly