Today is a MARVELOUS Monday because I get to share these hot-off-the-press images of opera singer Kearstin Piper Brown!
She’s a soprano opera singer who travels the nation and the world doing magnificent work with a variety of theaters, halls and orchestras. She is a very accomplished performer and actress, and it was such an honor to meet her and to channel her style and presence into a collection of images for her website. She’s also just the sweetest, warmest person and working with her felt like we were a couple of old friends. 

And now a bit from Kearstin on her experience:
“I’m Kearstin Piper Brown and I am beautifully and wonderfully made.
I am a lot of things to a lot of people and that’s fine and cool.
But, I wanted to be selfish for this shoot. To think for and about myself. I wanted something that was all about me. To be honest, I don’t always think I deserve to be pampered, to get dolled up, and feel sexy. But I wanted to test the water.
The experience of doing this shoot was scary. It was a foreign concept to shut out the rest of the world, to look at Jennifer holding her camera and 100% believe what she says through her lens. To squeal with her when she said, “That’s the shot!” was a beautiful release.
I approached my reveal halfway wanting to see Jennifer’s work, and half wanting her to just send me what she liked and not have to judge myself. I was nervous about how I’d feel about seeing what I actually looked like – only focusing on me, myself, and how God sees me.
What I saw was a me that I hadn’t yet seen. I loved her and I wanted to see more or her. She’s moving in!
She is a me that I’m ready to share with my family, my friends, and the whole world.
Jennifer and Katrina introduced me to a side of myself that I am happy and proud to be. Don’t worry. I haven’t changed. But I think y’all will like the upgraded model as much as I do
” ~Kearstin